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Design For Safety


Course Highlights

Design For Safety

Access Safety Rescue Singapore - Design for Safety(DFS) 

A proactive approach to construction and design that prioritizes the safety and health of workers, occupants, and even the general public. Instead of retrofitting safety measures after a project is completed or during its construction, DfS integrates these measures right from the design phase. This ensures that potential hazards are identified and addressed before they can pose a real threat.

The Pillars of Design For Safety
1) Risk Identification: Before any construction begins, potential hazards related to the design are identified. This could range from structural design choices to the materials used.

2) Risk Elimination: Once identified, the primary goal is to eliminate these risks. This might mean changing certain design elements or opting for safer materials.

3) Risk Mitigation: For risks that cannot be entirely eliminated, DfS focuses on reducing their impact. This could involve adding safety features or redesigning certain elements to make them safer.

4) Continuous Monitoring: Even after the design phase, continuous monitoring ensures that the implemented safety measures are effective and that no new risks emerge as the project progresses.

Design For Safety in Singapore's Context
Singapore's rapid urban development makes construction safety paramount. The city-state's commitment to ensuring the safety of its construction workers and the public is evident in its regulations and guidelines. The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act in Singapore emphasizes the importance of DfS, making it a legal requirement for certain projects.


Benefits of Design For Safety
Enhanced Safety
: The most obvious benefit is a safer construction environment, which leads to fewer accidents and injuries.

Cost Savings: Addressing potential hazards during the design phase can lead to significant cost savings. Retrofitting safety measures after construction is often more expensive.

Improved Project Timeline: With fewer safety-related disruptions, projects can often be completed faster.

Enhanced Reputation: Companies that prioritize DfS are seen as industry leaders, which can lead to more business opportunities.


Become a Design For Safety Professional
For professionals in Singapore's civil engineering sector who are keen to become Design for Safety Professionals, this course at ASRETEC is an invaluable resource. This course provides comprehensive training and insights into the responsibilities and best practices of a DfS professional, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to prioritize safety in their projects.

© ASRETEC - Access Safety Rescue

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